Mickey Mouse Disney Wiki. Mickey Mouse is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Mickey Mouse. Honors and awards. Honorary Academy Award. Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Various others. Full name. Personality. Charismatic, fun loving, whimsical, boyish, heroic, kind, bashful, selfless, comical, forgetful, optimistic, imaginative, friendly, stubborn, caring, humble, lazy, mischievous, polite, adventurous, clever, multi talented, accountable, sometimes aggressive, impatient, free spirited, romantic. Appearance. Short and slender black mouse, cream sometimes white face, black tail, black nose, red cotton fabric shorts with two yellow or white buttons horizontally up front and back, yellow shoes sometimes brown, white gloves with three slits in each glove. Occupation. Actor. Leader of the Mickey Mouse Club. Disneys Mascot. Ajax employee. Co owner of the House of Mouse. Host of the Disney theme parks. List of those Lost Cartoons and TV Shows on DVD. The A Day in the Limelight trope as used in popular culture. A secondary or Ensemble character gets the primary focus for an episode in an atypical fashion. Affiliations. Relatives. Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse nephewsAmelia Fieldmouse older sisterUnnamed parents mentioned only1. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit half brotherBunny Children nieces and nephewsOrtensia sister in lawMatilda Mouse cousinMoocher Mouse cousinDigger Mouse cousinAli Ben Maus cousinMadeline Mouse cousinMarty Mouse cousinJonah Mouse cousinMozzarello Mouse cousinUnnamed twins cousinsAlister cousin1. Boomer, Louie, Manly, Mukluk, Albert and Maxwell Mouse unclesAnnie and Victoria Mouse aunts1. Maximillian Mouse great uncleJoe Mouse grandfatherKid Mickey OMouse grandfatherAlbemarie Mouse great grandfatherMikiki Mouse great grand uncleJonathan Tobias Mouse great great great grandfatherMarco Topo, Captain O Mouse, Dick Mouse, Cornelius, Tiny, Sherman, Lefty, Righty, Gammy ancestors1. Allies. Walt Disney, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Daisy Duck, Pluto, Clarabelle Cow, Horace Horsecollar, Clara Cluck, Ludwig Von Drake, Scrooge Mc. Duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie, Chip and Dale, Chief OHara, Detective Casey, Butch, Dr. Einmug, Captain Churchmouse, Gloomy, Doc Static, Eega Beeva, Oswald, Max Goof, Yen Sid, Duffy, Numerous other characters and real people. Enemies. Pete, The Phantom Blot, Mortimer Mouse, The Rat, Sylvester Shyster, Kat Nipp, Doc Finkelstein, Emil Eagle, The Mad Doctor, The Shadow Blot, Miklos the Grey Mouse, Doctor Vulter, Professors Ecks, Doublex, and Triplex, Eli Squinch, Dexter Dingus, Prince Penguin, Mizrabel, Weasels, Doctor Frankenollie, Julius, Numerous Disney villains. Likes. Minnie, Pluto, his friends, dancing, sandwiches, adventures, gumdrops, romance, cheese, music, entertaining others, playing the harmonica, holidays, camping, sleeping, traveling. Dislikes. Pluto causing trouble, upsetting Minnie, Donalds temper tantrums, Goofys clumsiness, being called a rat, being taken advantage of, Pete, Mortimer trying to steal Minnie, storms, Clarabelles gossip, horror films. Powers and abilities. Magic and sorcery. Cartoon physicality. QuoteSee ya real soonOh, boyHot dogAw, goshHa haWhen people laugh at Mickey Mouse, its because hes so human and that is the secret of his popularity. I only hope that we dont lose sight of one thing that it was all started by a mouse. Walt DisneysrcMickey Mouse is an animated anthropomorphic mouse created by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks in the year 1. Mickey is, by far, The Walt Disney Companys most famous character and serves as the companys mascot. Estimated as standing 2 3 6. Mickey rapidly rose to the pinnacle of American culture, becoming the most popular and recognizable cartoon character in the world and the prime influence of following cartoons. For over 8. 8 years, he has signified The Walt Disney Company, animation, goodwill, fun, laughter, and most of all Walt Disney himself. It was said by Lillian Disney, his wife, that over the years, Mickey and Walt grew together and were mirrors of each others personality. They both started off mischievous and cheeky, but as they grew older preferred to step out of the spotlight and observe others work their magic. President Jimmy Carter once said Mickey Mouse is the symbol of goodwill, surpassing all languages and cultures. Romantic Horror Cartoons Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo ' title='Romantic Horror Cartoons Winnie The Pooh: Springtime With Roo ' />When one sees Mickey Mouse, they see happiness. Mickeys 3 circle silhouette serves as the logo for most of Disneys subsidiaries, save for the ones that dont carry the Disney or Walt Disney label. Andy Warhols portrait from The Art of Mickey Mouse used Warhols famous pop art techniques on the classic mouse. Background. PersonalityMickeys a little bit in your face. Mickeys like, Hey Im smart, I can do anything, I get into trouble, but I can get out of it. Im sort of rebellious, you know. Donald Duck is an animated character created by Walt Disney. He is a white, anthropomorphic duck. I live by my own rules. Hes an adolescent dream, is what he is. Rebelling and making it work, thats Mickey. Writer Ron Suskind during the American Experience Walt Disney special on PBSMickeys most widely known traits are his wholesomeness and charisma. In contrast to this, Mickey is also rather mischievous a scrappy, free spirited rebel with a head full of curiosity, optimism and slight arrogance, Mickey has a habit of finding himself in a wide array of self inflicted troublesometimes comical Mickeys Airplane Kit, sometimes highly consequential Epic Mickey. Nevertheless, he is also quick thinking and crafty and is thus able to save himself from the varying danger, ending out on top in the end. New online games are added every day, so that any gamer will find a game to your taste In any game, you can play online for free, without registration. Mickey Mouse is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page. This is a list of films that combine live action and animated elements, typically interacting. Because of his small size and limited resources, Mickey often relies on his wit to overcome adversity. His craftiness is also put into good use when looking for ways to make life easier for himself, even if he knowingly has to break a few rules in the process, being somewhat of a schemer in this sense The Sorcerers Apprentice, Stayin Cool. While his success elevates his ego and drives him to act selfishly at times Mickeys Piano Lesson, Mickey is a devoted friend and cares deeply for his loved ones. This is most prominently displayed in his relationship with his longtime girlfriend, Minnie Mouse. Download Robots Of Brixton Cartoons on this page. The two are shown to be deeply in love with each other, and as such, Mickey has repeatedly gone to great lengths to both ensure Minnies happiness, and to impress her sometimes out of insecurity of losing her, as seen in Mickey Tries to Cook. While he tries his best to avoid danger at all costs, Mickey will immediately force himself to become a valiant hero when Minnie is put into danger Road Hogs. In these instances, Mickey proves himself to be quite skilled in combat, and his craftiness is, again, prominently displayed. In turn, Minnie is an avid supporter of Mickey and openly returns his sentiments. Though his habit of forgetting special occasions and other important matters annoy her Rent Day, Runaway Brain, Minnie simultaneously serves as Mickeys better half, bringing out the best of him, even after his own flaws create significant mayhem. Mickey is also a reliable leader and is well respected amongst his peers because of this. When put in charge of a production, for example such as a stage show or the House of Mouse nightclub theater he tends to be rather professional and composed, even when hecklers and other inconveniences get in the way. Another great example of Mickeys reliability can be seen in various cartoons in which Mickey stars alongside his best friends, the ill tempered Donald Duck and exceptionally clumsy Goofy. Mickey is able to handle issues fairly better than both Donald and Goofy, as his temper and clumsiness are not as distracting for himself as they are for his two comrades. Though whimsical and childlike in his own right, Mickeys maturity shines its brightest when paired with Donald and Goofy showing that, for all his foibles, he can act as a level headed voice of reason when the situation calls for it.