Most of us love watching television, and watching the tube means that we are exposed to countless commercials. Maybe we didnt realize, but there are some that have. Google Home owners will probably be talking to their living rooms a lot more thanks to an update that lets the voice assistant make phone calls to the U. S. and Canada. A museum exhibit design blog from Paul Orselli and POW Tricks of the trade, useful resources, and exhibity thoughts for designers and museum folks. Heres How to Enable Google Homes Latest Updates. Google Home owners will probably be talking to their living rooms a lot more thanks to an update that lets the voice assistant make phone calls to the U. S. and Canada. Its one of many recent updates granting the smart home device more features and compatibility with other services. Phone Calls Without the Phone. The calls are made over Wi Fi, with numbers pulled either from businesses or your Google Contacts list. Saying the phrase Hey Google, call Dad is enough to get your pop pop on the horn in speakerphone mode, of course. If you share your Google Home with someone else, its voice recognition capabilities will ensure you call the appropriate patriarch. Beck Bennett born October 1, 1984 is an American actor, writer, and comedian known for the ATT Its Not Complicated commercials where he interviews kids and his. Google may be playing catch up with the Amazon Echo, but Google Home already has a bunch ofRead more There are a few bugs Google needs to iron out to make this a truly seamless calling experience, however. For starters, the Google Home call recipient wont see your number unless you have Project Fimore on that below, though the company says itll display the correct number for all users by the end of the year. It also doesnt have 9. Project Fi Users Get Perks. Funny Comedian Videos Early Bloomer ' title='Funny Comedian Videos Early Bloomer ' />Google Home owners using Googles Project Fi wireless phone service or Google Voice are privy to an extra feature or two compared to customers with a different wireless provider. For one, your phone number is displayed on your call recipients phone, meaning theyll actually see whos calling instead of assuming youre some sort of robocaller. You can also make calls to premium rate numbers and international numbers at their respective rates, a feature unavailable to Google Home owners without the aforementioned accounts. Visit More Settings then select Calls to activate the feature. Finally, Bluetooth Support. In addition to making phone calls, Google Homes software update finally adds Bluetooth audio streaming support, a much requested feature thats been present in Amazons competing Echo voice assistant since its own debut. It also adds free built in streaming music through Spotify Free and Deezer, a perk previously associated exclusively with premium accounts. Granted, you wont be able to play songs on demand with the built in Spotify Free account, but at least youll be able to listen to some ad supported hits and use Google Assistant to select different playlists. Not a streaming music subscriber If you dont use any of Google Homes supported music streaming services, you can connect your Google Home to your phone via Bluetooth and play tunes through the app of your choice. Open the Google Home app, hit the Devices button in the top right corner, then tap the three dots next to your Google Home. From there you can select Paired Bluetooth Devices and add your own. Google Assistant offers simplified voice commands when paired over Bluetooth, like pausing and volume control, and lets you play tunes from places besides Google Play Music or Spotify like Apple Music or Overcast. This week, Google released Google Home, a voice controlled smart appliance, to compete with theRead more Compared to the Amazon Echo, Google Home finally has the basics down, and is set to add even cooler tricks like streaming Home requests to your TV via Chromecast in the near future. Top 1. 00 Celebrity Nude Photos of All Time. Celebrity nudes Fame, fortune and filth. Leaked celebrity nude photos inspire instant adoration and fascination from the masses, most of whom are sexually frustrated enough to care. This is the state of todays celebrities. Especially if you want to get or stay famous. Can you imagine classy icons like Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn posing naked for photographs They at least had self respect. However, thanks to the wonderful technological advances of mobile phones and those cameras theyve got built into them, we are now a planet of people capturing their nether regions and sending them to other humans. Celebs are no different apart from the small fact that people want to hack into their phones and share their most private photos with the world. So which leaked celeb photos are the bestNaked celebrities, leaked or otherwise, are everywhere nowadays. Its the new norm. The advent of the sex tape has added a whole other element to the voyeuristic nature of watching the lives of famous people. Theres no better way for celebs to boost their value and get widespread global media attention by dropping some naughty pics. Intentionally leaked photos of naked celebrities are more common than you think, despite their usual accusatory claims and victimized lamentations. And so we decided to come with a list of the most important or best ever leaked celebrity photos of all time. Lets get rolling. Welcome to the Nasty World of Nude Celebrity PicsThere are three ways a celebrity can be seen fully or partially naked. The first is of her own volition by appearing naked in photoshoots, movies, TV shows and other related media. She decides the extent of what she wants to reveal. The second involves a bit of luck and hard working paparazzi social media accidents where a tweet, gram or snap was wrongly shared, topless beach photos and public wardrobe malfunctions nip slips, crotch flashes etc. The third is private photos and sex tapes leaked by hackers, ex lovers or the celebrity herself for lolzrevengemoneyfame. Of the three, leaked celebrity photos are by far, the most fascinating. People are often obsessed with a celebrity they fancy. They want to know everything about her. These sort of pictures provide a raw, unfiltered and rarely seen glimpse into their personal lives. And they can be a real turn on, especially if they involve nudity or explicit sex acts. Three key events have resulted in an avalanche of nudes. Boys and girls, its time for a short lesson on the history of leaked celeb photos. September 2. 01. 1 Scar. Jo and the First Wave In 2. Christopher Chaney hacked into the email accounts of many famous celebs. This was done in a stupidly simple way he guessed celebrity email address using their first and last names. After getting some valid emails, he then answered account security questions asking for the names of the celebs pet. He got the answers for that by using IMDB. Being a total perv and creep, he quietly read their personal emails and even impersonated certain celebs to request for nudes from other celebs. Clever boy. In September 2. Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera, and Renee Olstead were leaked online. After that had happened, other nudes of several other prominent celebs like Christina Hendricks started trickling online. Chaney was caught and sentenced in 2. And that was the end of it. Or so we thought. August 3. 1, 2. 01. The Fappening Celeb Gate A massive Apple i. Cloud hack resulted in hundreds of nude pictures being stolen from over 1. They were first posted on the website 4chan and spread out to Reddit, which became the main distribution point until they banned the sharing of leaked photos. By then the photos were already published on thousands of different websites. Some of the notable celebs hacked were Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Kirsten Dunst, Emily Ratajkowski, Kelly Brook, Hope Solo, Kaley Cuoco and Victoria Justice. A group of different hackers was responsible for the leak, but so far only a few were caught and sentenced. One of them was a dude called Ryan Collins who used a phishing scheme to get Apple i. Cloud passwords from celebs. He basically sent emails pretending to be official password reset requests from Apple. The celeb then enters her account details on a fake webpage that looks legit but isnt. After getting the account password, he logged in and downloaded their i. Cloud photos. Collins was eventually caught and sentenced to 1. Another guy named Edward Majerczyk got nine months in prison for hacking 3. Cloud accounts. It is believed that several other individuals hacked into i. Cloud accounts as well. To date, no one has been correctly identified as the actual source of the massive leak online. This incident was by far, the most significant nude celeb photo scandal in the history of mankind. Never before were so many images of so many celebrities simultaneously revealed and shared on every corner of the internet. This changed everything. Many questions were raised about online privacy and the inherent right of women to safely take nude selfies in this digital age. In case youre wondering the word fap is slang for masturbation. Fap Happening Fappening. Boom But of course you already knew that, rightMarch 2. The Fappening 2. More Photos Leaked. On March 1. 4th 2. Amanda Seyfried and Emma Watson were leaked online. Some of these were nude pictures. Like the previous leak, they were first posted in 4chan and then found their ways to various other websites. A few days after, photos of other lesser known celebrities started to surface on the internet. They include people like Demi Lovato, Dylan Penn, Katie Cassidy, Lili Simmons, Kristanna Loken, Alexa Nikolas, Alyssa Arce, Analeigh Tipton, April Love Geary, Jillian Murray, Trieste Kelly Dunn, Sami Miro, Rhona Mitra, Natasha Leggero, Paige, Maria Kanellis, Sophie Gradon, Celeste Bonin, Iliza Shlesinger and Rose Mc. Gowan. On April 1. This time notable celebs involved were Miley Cyrus, Rosario Dawson, Dianna Agron, Yvonne Strahovski, Kate Hudson and Audrina Patridge. Some private photos of Alison Brie and Sophie Turner were also leaked. These pictures were non nude or censored, and the hacker seems to be indicating that he has more of both actresses. Possibly nudes or sexually explicit videos. Well update if anything turns up. Like before, this leak included a bunch of lesser known, almost unknown and who the hell is this celebs like Samara Weaving, Louisa Johnson, Jennifer Metcalfe, Whitney Port, Nicolle Radzivil, Emma Slater, Riki Lindhome, AJ Michalka, Lily Rabe, Suki Waterhouse, Marin Ireland, Eilidh Scott, Holly Owens, Morgan Zerkle, Stacey Solomon, Angelina Mc. Coy, Whitney Johns, Alex Jones, Alice Haig and Daniela Lazar. There are a lot more UK celebs in this second wave. And several random Instagram models that nobody ever heard of. Its plausible to think that some of these chicks had their photos leaked on purpose for publicity although we cant really be sure. While we sympathize with all the celebrities affectedNobody knows how this happened AGAIN. There are two plausible explanations right now 1 These photos were from the 2. Cloud hack and were previously unreleased. For instance, Emma Watson had some non nudes leaked that her publicist confirmed were a couple of years old. And Seyfrieds photos largely show her with Justin Long, whom she dated from 2. These are freshly obtained photos from a new hack. Romance Films Lissi Und Der Wilde Kaiser. Which means its totally Fappening 2. The Second Cumming. We dont know what to expect or who will be targeted. Its most likely a hack on a cloud storage or emailapp account owned by the celeb or anyone close to her. Thats the only possibility because theres no way any hacker could get physical access to the phones of so many different individuals. And curiously enough, the leak included quite a few female WWE Divas as well.