Unlike the rest of us, UPS has already begun to plan ahead for the holiday season. On Monday, UPS announced that its raising its shipping rates around Black Friday. Do you love that sensation of suddenly being hurled forward when you have to abruptly slam on the brakes If youre in a selfdriving car, the effects apparently. So news that a British Airways passenger who paid nearly 1,500 for an 11hour flight was forced to sit on a urinesoaked seat is not particularly surprising, but it. At least seven crew members and three passengers were hospitalized when an American Airlines flight from Athens, Greece to Philadelphia hit extreme turbulence on. The greasy sizzle of delicious meat on a grill is a staple of every Labor Day weekend. But as everyone breaks out the barbecue grill, paper plates, and Kiss the. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Humans Dont Handle Abrupt Braking In Autonomous Cars Very Well. Do you love that sensation of suddenly being hurled forward when you have to abruptly slam on the brakes If youre in a self driving car, the effects apparently even more dramatic, researchers from the University of Michigan announced Thursday. People have a tendency to jolt forward as much as 8 inches when the vehicle abruptly slams on the brakes, according to the Detroit Free Press, and that amount of movement presents a number of implications for automakers developing automated technology like emergency braking. Ford became the first manufacturer to test its driverless car in Fakecity, Michigan OK, its notRead more The U M researchers brought 8. May and June, and plopped them inside autonomous testing cars. Matthew Reed, a U of M research professor, told the Freep they recorded the acceleration and how people respond to a hard braking event. The Freep explains what they found They discovered that when passengers unexpectedly had the brakes slammed, they pitched forward as much 8 inches despite wearing a seat belt in the front passenger seat. Thats a significant amount of movement while being restrained and has implications as an increasing number of vehicles employ emergency braking and other types of self driving technology. The Flight Before Christmas Ipod Cartoon PictureAutomatic braking systems tend to brake harder than you or I would, the Freep says. So for passengers inside an autonomous car, especially if theyre not expecting it, that could cause them to dramatically pitch forward. The Freep goes on Reed said the research could be used to help design features that automatically adjust seat belts or send out a warning sound before the brakes are applied or before the vehicle maneuvers to avoid a crash. Watch Full The Fantastic Mr. Fox 2002 here. Its an interesting dynamic to consider as automakers are feverishly working to develop self driving cars and bring them to the market. A number of carmakers have staked out ambitious timelines to have autonomous cars that dont require human intervention on the road by next decade. The slightly redesigned 2019 Porsche Cayenne isnt supposed to make its way before our eyes until Tuesday, but Fridays are more fun anyway. Here, have a look at. Purple4/v4/3c/fb/65/3cfb6500-0816-d20d-53d3-36be3c64c274/source/568x320bb.jpg' alt='The Flight Before Christmas Ipod Cartoon Graphic' title='The Flight Before Christmas Ipod Cartoon Graphic' />The state of self driving cars on the road at the moment is we have some semi autonomous systemsRead more Two things come to mind humans have already proved to be terrible at taking the wheel of semi autonomous cars when they require drivers to intervene and resume control. So I wonder if drivers would have enough time to respond to automatic seat belt tightening or warning signals, and be more prepared before the self driving car comes to a halt. Beyond that, cant you just have the brakes not be applied so hard I imagine that would take more finesse, where the technologys capable of assessing how close the car is and brake at a corresponding levelbut the research suggests its simply more about how humans react above all else. The university announced the findings on Thursday and said the study was funded as part of a 3. Toyota to support several research institutions across the U.