My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is an animated television series produced by Hasbro as part of the My Little Pony toy franchise, which is tied in with the 2010. The Ascended Meme trope as used in popular culture. Sometimes a meme about a work, that wasnt in the work before, catches the eye of the people responsible. Zawapi. Com is a mobile toplist for mobile web sites. We have over 2000 registered sites. The My Little Pony franchise debuted in 1982, the creation of American illustrator and designer Bonnie Zacherle. Together with sculptor Charles Muenchinger and. Where are these GTS From all around the world, there have been many movies, TV. OVAs, and mangacomics where a girl grows to gigantic heights or shrinks. If theres something that you think deserves to be on. All sightings listed in alphabetical order. Those that have sent in information will be credited in. Cubed Cinder for example. Tara Strong, Actress My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Tara Strong was born on February 12, 1973 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as Tara Lyn Charendoff. She is an. Netflix Filmography. Join IMDb Pro for more details Perv Scale As many of you know, AC GTS World is not only a mostly hentaifree website, but it does its best to try and keep some of the stickier situations out of. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. But please. before sending anything, make sure it hasnt already been covered. Hit the Control Ctrl key and then F on your keyboard to open the. Find on this. page. Java. Script is. turned on for your browser or this site is added to your whitelist. Type in what you are looking for. Also note an. entry may already be covered under an international title. All links in this section, on site and off, are guaranteed to be. When sending streaming video links, make. It is also recommended that you show a video. GTS sighting, but if that is not available, alternatives such as. IMPORTANT Many of the files and videos in this. You. Tube are. linked offsite. If these links come up dead for you, please let me know via my. ACGTS forums and Ill try to fix them. I do not fix broken links unless they are. Perv Scale. As many of you know, A C GTS World is not only a mostly hentai free website, but it does. Alas, some of the best sightings in. GTS world have short bits of the aforementioned material, and if. Thus the creation of the Perv Scale. Four different color coded. That way, these. borderline sightings can still be rightfully told and preserved on this site. OdaHPdleBbFe/giphy.gif' alt='Download Whole My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Cartoon ' title='Download Whole My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rock Cartoon ' />Each and every entry that is sent to this site. This handy scale. Ive set up will explain all and I hope you will find it extremely useful. GTS sighting and not the. Level 0 green The giantess is wearing some clothing. Entry details, images, and video links are unrestricted. Level 1 yellow The giantess is wearing some. GTS and the small character. The Unintentionally Sympathetic trope as used in popular culture. A case of Misaimed Fandom. A character who is supposed to be. This rating can also apply if. GTS is naked, but the private parts are being covered at all times. Entry. details, images, and video links are unrestricted. Level 2 orange The giantess is naked and you can see. Also used if there is sexual innuendo, but no sexual acts themselves Ultimate. Girls is a perfect example. Entries with. this level can still have further details and video links, but user is warned upon clicking link that questionable material may. Level 3 red Hentai material. Stuff involves. prolonged nudity andor very clear sexual activity, all well outside the boundries of. Entries with this level are listed only and not eligible for. Jump to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. Unidentified sightings. These are sightings where the name of the. Anyone want to help out in. GIANTESS. GODESS found by J. Turner. A Kind of MagicLevel 0Country of origin France Babysitting Tom, Cindy, and his majesty are stuck babysitting a baby girl one night. The baby girl manages to get a hold of the magic wand and uses it to make. You. Tube video of. GTS scene. Dany. Young. GTSOnly Child Toms fed up of his sister Cindy and decides to remove her in order to be the. However, things are not working well. In order that his sister. During one such spell, with a drawing. Cindy, Tom want to create a body for her sister, but the drawing grows. You. Tube video of. GTS scene. Dany. Young. GTSBack to top. A Very Fairy ChristmasLevel 0Country of origin USAMovie A 4. Christmas themed animated film that has human girl and little. You. Tube video of full movie. J. TurnerBack to top. Adventure TimeLevel 0Country of origin USASeason 2 Mortal Recoil. Part 2 of a two part episode. Hd Video 720P Alma on this page. Princess Bubblegum is put into the hospital. Lichs well of power by the Ice King. But when the spirit of The Lich possesses Bubblegum, Finn and Jake team up with. Ice King to stop him. The evil mutated Bubblegum drinks a tub full of green. Zatch. HunterSeason 3 Memory of a Memory Finn and Jake travel inside Marcelines mind, where a couple times. Marceline appears as a GTS. Light. ArchonSeason 3 Dads Dungeon. Finn and Jake go exploring a dungeon that their dad have made, which was. Finn up. Upon entering the second part of the. Flower Path as they wonder though. Each one telling them to eat a fruit. The boys at first took no. Finn snaps and says he will. Jake knowing that the fruits are cursed stops him from eating it. The GTS scene is with Jake. Final. 7DarknessSeason 3 finale Incendium and Season 4 premiere Hot to the Touch. The Flame Princess as a giantess first appears briefly in the Incendium. Later, Finn develops a crush on Flame Princess and tries to get to know her. After. she feels shes been hurt too much by Finn and friends, she grows gigantic and. However, she returns to normal after seeing Finn in tears. Zatch. HunterSeason 4 Goliad. After the events of Mortal Recoil, Princess Bubblegum realise that she. Candy People she sort out her replacement. She created a giant pink cat called Goliad and shes have a mind of that of a. Feeling tired for creating her, Finn and Jake tells Bubblegum to get some. Goliad how to rule a kingdom. Due to. misunderstandings on leadership, Goliad believes that a dictator route would be. The GTS scene takes place within Finns mind. Knowing that Goliad. Princess Bubblegum told him. During the scene, he stops his memories of what. Bubblegum told him about the plan by having her explode when causes different. When Finn stops her from talking by. In the end, Goliad combined them all. Princess Bubblegum which in turn change her into a mini giantess. Finn and Jake. Final. DarknessSeason 4 Burning Low. Early in this episode, Jake and Finn have finished building a new burning. Flame Princess. Flame Princess merges with the flames on the house. Jake and Finn for a little while as she enjoys the. Zatch. HunterSeason 4 King Worm. During the events of the episode, Finn and Jake find out that theyre. King Worm whom put them to. Towards the end, Finn realise that the only way of. To do this he releases everything that scares him which comes pouring. One of the things that scare him is Princess Bubblegum. Lich King and that she demands that he to be. The fear of this isnt because shes drinking with the Lich King its. During this scene. Princess Bubblegum is a lot bigger than she normally is as she towers over Finn. Final. 7DarknessSeason 5 The Partys Over, Isla de Seorita. After another failed attempt at capturing Princess Bubblegum, the Ice King. After a storm. has other plans, he winds up shipwrecked on an island. After a little exploring. Interestingly. enough, shes more like an island than a person she cant move, her skin is. Speedy. Kyle. JSeason 5 Frost Fire. Finn has an interesting dream which involves Flame Princess and Ice King. Flame Princess enlarges herself and Ice King brings. He then decides to stage a fight between the two in real life to see if he. However, during the fight, Flame Princess destroys the Ice. Kingdom and discovers that Finn set up the fight. Saddened that she was betrayed. You. Tube. video of GTS sighting. Arias. 87Season 5. Billys Bucket List Appearing in this. Canyon, Billys ex girlfriend. Canyon is a very tall humanoid. Billy, but easily three to four times bigger than Finn. You. Tube video of part. GTS sighting. Zatch. Hunter Season 6 The Cooler After a. Fire Kingdom, Flame Princess is forced to team up with. Princess Bubblegum. Unbeknownst to Flame Princess, Bubblegum set up the cooling. Flame Kingdom and deactivate the kingdoms Sleeping. Fire Gods, extremely powerful and ancient weapons of mass destruction. Once. Bubblegums betrayal is known, the two princesses fight, resulting in. Fire Gods. Flame Princess calls Bubblegum a. The two fight it out, with Flame Princess. Streaming video of full episode. Zatch. HunterSeason 6 The Diary. Jakes son T. V. discovers a lost diary and sets out to solve a decades old. Before focusing on Justin, T. V. watches as Taffy and Mochi both as. CDs they bought recently. Streaming video of full episode. Zatch. HunterSeason 7 Mama Said.