Plus Sizes 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 Fit Fashion Notes Designed in the classic 5 pocket style, these stylish skinny jeans are made from a cottonelastane. A Brief Guide To Hair Dye Semi Permanent vs. Permanent vs. Bleach. We certainly got folks talking when we decided to explore what hair dye is really doing to our hair. The reality of how certain chemicals break down natural hair pigments and lift the hair cuticle was shocking, but we havent given up our standing hair color appointment at the salon just yet. And wed bet that you havent either. So if you are going to dye, which kind should you choose To better understand the different types of hair dyes, we had Philip Kingsleys trichological expert Elizabeth Cuannane Phillips educate us on how they work and how to care for our color treated hair. Your hair color choices include. Bleach and highlights remove color from your hair by the process of oxidation. Oxidation decolorizes the pigment in your hair shaft, which is why bleach will turn your hair almost white if its left on for too long. Ive always loved crazy hair. Give me a short pink bob la Natalie Portman in Closer, a Katy Perry purple puff or a Lady Gaga yellow and Im in. Best Free Lightroom Presets That You Will Fall in Love With. Waseem Abbas on Dec 29, 2016. Go blonde create a bright canvas for your color, your way with Colorista athome hair bleach. Lighten all over, create ombre or highlighted looks. Very bleached hair often gains a yellow tint, because keratin the protein your hair is made of is naturally a pale yellow, says Cuannane Phillips. Hair needs to be tinted as well as bleached for the platinum blond look. Its impossible to make your hair a lighter shade without the help of a bleaching agent all of which are called oxidizing agents. Semi permanent or temporary hair color gives you a more natural color and is also easier to use. You can use semi permanent dyes straight from the applicator as they dont have to be pre mixed. Cuannane Phillips adds, They last for about six weeks and tend to fade progressively. As temporary colors dont contain bleach, they cant lighten your natural shade. Bleach_Fade_to_Black_limited_edition_rendered_cover.png/revision/latest?cb=20120506014229&path-prefix=en' alt='Download Bleach: Fade To Black For Free ' title='Download Bleach: Fade To Black For Free ' />Temporary dyes fade with shampooing and exposure to air. This means they need to be frequently reapplied, which can be damaging. Permanent hair dyes are also known as oxidation, according to Cuannane Phillips. This is because an oxidizer such as hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are mixed with the coloring agent before application. Permanent dyes dont have to be applied as often as semi permanent or temporary colors. The formulation of permanent dyes is very complicated, and manufacturers go to great lengths to attain long lasting color that does minimal damage to the strength and elasticity of your hair. There is a wider range of permanent color, and these color shades are often more natural looking. However, permanent dyes can be more damaging to your hair. The chemicals used are stronger and the mixture usually has to be left on for a longer period of time. Ammonia free hair dyes are composed of monoethanolamine MEA, an organic chemical compound that is a primary amine and primary alcohol. It is used as a replacement p. H adjuster in hair color and used at lower percentages and coupled with emollient oils, making it less volatile and less damaging than ammonia. That being said, just like any other ingredient, the more it is used, the higher the p. H and the greater the damage. No matter how you dye it, you need to care for it. All chemical processes reduce the elasticity stretchability of your hairs and increase their chances of breakage. Therefore, any hair that has been dyed or colored is vulnerable to damage. Cuannane Phillips adds, While this is true, were not suggesting you dont do it, but rather to be aware of how to take the proper steps to hydrate and care for your hair afterwards. The best way to combat dryness, brittleness and breakage is to use a pre shampoo deep conditioning treatment like the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer three days before and after bleaching or highlighting, and then weekly thereafter. This plumps your hair with moisture, making it more elastic and less likely to snap. The correct pre shampoo treatments also add shine, manageability and bounce, she says. Bleaching raises your hair cuticle, causing hairs to interlock and tangle easily, so its also important to condition after every shampoo to flatten the cuticle, seal in moisture, reduce knots and add shine. Lastly, use a smoothing product to help close and smooth your hair cuticle. The Full Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Cartoon. This will help reduce moisture evaporation and also give your hair a glossier and healthier appearance. These stars are no stranger hair dye PHOTO GALLERYBEFORE YOU GOCelebrities Whove Changed Hair Color. PHOTO GALLERYCelebrities Whove Changed Hair Color. Celebrities Whove Changed Hair Color. Celebrities Whove Changed Hair Color. Anna Kendrick. June 2. January 2. 01. 3Getty. Want more Huff. Post Style beauty content Check us out on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram. For everything else check out our main Huff. Post Style Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram Huff. Post. Style. Do you have a beauty story idea or tip Email us at beautytipshuffingtonpost. PR pitches sent to this address will be ignored.