Justice League Unlimited JLU is an American animated television series that was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and aired on Cartoon Network. Justice League TV series Wikipedia. Not to be confused with Justice League. Justice League is an American animated television series which ran from 2. Justice League Crisis on Two Earths 2010 full movie watch cartoosn online. Synopsis A good version of Lex Luthor from a parallel Earth comes to the Jus. Jaime in the Water. Brett H. I see people talking everywhere about how Jaime could possibly be alive, but how Hes way at the bottom of the lake and in full armor. Classic HannaBarbera cartoons get the comic book treatment. COMICS FOR DANGEROUS HUMANS. DCS YOUNG ANIMAL. The Full Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Cartoon ' title='The Full Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Cartoon ' />Cartoon Network. It is part of the DC animated universe. The show was produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It is based on the Justice League of America and associated comic book characters published by DC Comics. After the second season, the series was replaced by Justice League Unlimited, a successor series which aired for three seasons. ProductioneditAnimator Bruce Timm, who co produced Batman The Animated Series and Superman The Animated Series in the 1. Justice League. The roster consisted of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern John Stewart, The Flash Wally West, Martian Manhunter Jonn Jonzz, and Hawkgirl. According to audio commentary on the DVD release of Season 2, the second season finale Starcrossed was expected to be the final episode of the series. However, in February 2. Cartoon Network announced a follow up series, Justice League Unlimited, which premiered on July 3. CastingeditKevin Conroy reprised his voice role as Batman from Batman The Animated Series 1. The New Batman Adventures 1. Batman Beyond 1. So imagine my delight in the fall of 2004 when Mordru appeared in the Justice League Unlimited episode The Greatest Story Never Told. MordruBatmans costume was redesigned, but this time, his costume was a combination of his last three costumes. The same costume from The New Batman Adventures is retained, but with the blue highlights from the Batman The Animated Series costume and the long ears from the Batman Beyond costume are added to the costume. Tim Daly, who voiced Superman in Superman The Animated Series 1. The Fugitive a short lived remake of the original 1. TV series,1 and was replaced by George Newbern. Superman was initially redesigned to have a bit of a squint to his eyes and slight wrinkles that was also meant to make him look older, in addition to having a noticeable shining streak to his hair he was redesigned to appear larger in physical girth than in the previous series. Fans did not like the older appearance and in the second season the streak was toned down to the point of almost disappearing and the squint was removed, in essence reverting Superman to his earlier animated look. As an in joke, Supermans season one facial designs are used for an older Jor El in the Justice League Unlimited episode For the Man Who Has Everything. Most of the characters retained their general comic book origins and continuity, with Wonder Woman being the notable exception. In the Justice League series continuity, the premiere story arc Secret Origins revises the plot of Dianas competition against her fellow Amazons to be the ambassador of peace to mans world, and she is referred to as a rookie superhero during her first encounter with the League. Subsequent episodes touched on her attempts to adjust to her new world. In an interview segment on the Season One DVD, Bruce Timm stated that he initially ran into some legal issues in using the Wonder Woman character, but was adamant that she be used in the series. Additionally, the character of The Flash was portrayed as somewhat younger and significantly more brash than his comic book counterpart, taking on a number of personality traits of Plastic Man, who provides a similar comic relief function in the JLA comics. Major changes were also made to the Hawkgirl character. The character of Hawkgirl became romantically involved with the John Stewart Green Lantern as the series progressed. A romantic relationship between Batman and Wonder Woman was also shown hinted at but never official unlike HawkgirlGreen Lantern by the shows creators, who disliked pairing Wonder Woman with Superman despite fan requests. Robin is not paired with Batman in this animated series like he was on Super Friends. Although the series itself is animated in traditional 2 dimensional style, the opening credits are rendered in 3. D with toon shading. The intro is a stock intro used throughout the series until Justice League Unlimited premieres. EpisodeseditMain casteditKevin Conroy Batman Bruce WayneGeorge Newbern Superman Clark Kent, D. J. Rubber Ducky. Susan Eisenberg Wonder Woman Princess DianaPhil La. Marr Green Lantern John Stewart, Ed Reiss. Michael Rosenbaum Flash Wally West, Arkkis Chumuck, Colonel Josef, Andr, Deadshot, Franzee. Carl Lumbly Martian Manhunter Jonn Jonzz John Jones, Krizblack. Maria Canals Hawkgirl Shayera Hol, Livewire DC Comics, Pytar. Recurring characterseditGrant Albrecht General Hoffman. William Atherton Doctor Destiny. Ren Auberjonois Kanjar Ro, Guardian, Galius Zed, Desaad, Steppenwolf. Fairuza Balk Penny Dee. Dorie Barton Audrey. Kristin Bauer Mera. Xander Berkeley General Brak. Serena Berman Cassie. Earl Boen Simon Stagg. Powers Boothe Gorilla Grodd. Julie Bowen Aresia. Max Brooks Howie. Kimberly Brooks Mrs. Saunders. Clancy Brown Lex Luthor. Ian Buchanan Ultra Humanite. Corey Burton Brainiac, Forager, Metallo, Toyman, Weather Wizard. Cathy Cavadini Dr. Mary. Greg Cipes Jack. Enrico Colantoni Glorious Godfrey. Gary Cole J. Allen Carter. Ricky DShon Collins Chris Mc. Gee. Olivia dAbo Morgaine Le Fay, Star Sapphire. Keith David Despero. Dana Delaney Lois Lane, Maggie Sawyer. Michael Dorn Kalibak. Richard Doyle Dr. Louis. Brian Doyle Murray Artie Bauman. Larry Drake Colonel Vox. Fred Dryer Sergeant Rock. Patrick Duffy Steve Trevor. Lisa Edelstein Mercy Graves. Ashley Edner Trina, Jennifer. Hctor Elizondo Kragger. Robert Englund Felix Faust. Shelley Fabares Martha Kent. Mike Farrell Jonathan Kent. Oded Fehr Doctor Fate. Carlos Ferro Radocko. Efrain Figueroa Copperhead 1st VoiceSoren Fulton Mordred. Brad Garrett Lobo. Brian George Guardian, Parasite, Mr. President, Morgan Edge. Peri Gilpin Volcana. Michael Gough Professor Henry Moss. Richard Green Orm. Pam Grier Myriah. Julianne Grossman Phillipus. Kim Mai Guest Katma Tui. Nicholas Guest Luminus. Watch New Shark Bait Online there. Jennifer Hale Giganta, Killer Frost, Sroya Bashir, Inza. Mark Hamill Solomon Grundy, Joker. Neil Patrick Harris Ray Thompson. Dennis Haysbert Kilowog. Grant Heslov Doctor Patel. Michael Ironside Darkseid. Robert Ito Mr. Hama. Jeffrey Jones Sir Swami. William Katt Green Guardsman. David Kaufman Jimmy Olsen. Udo Kier Music Master. Ted Levine Sinestro, Bulldozer. Virginia Madsen Sarah Corwin. Jason Marsden Snapper Carr. Karen Maruyama Tsukuri. Bruce Mc. Gill General Mc. Cormick. Ted Mc. Ginley Tom Turbine, Burns. Stephen Mc. Hattie Shade. Michael Mc. Kean Sportsman, Sergeant OShaughnessey. Danica Mc. Kellar Sapphire Stagg. Scott Menville King. Alfred Molina Gustav. Richard Moll Java. Garrett Morris Al Mc. Gee. Phil Morris Vandal Savage, Gorilla City General. David Naughton The Streak. Rob Paulsen Lightray. Khary Payton Ten. Elizabeth Pea Paran Dull. Ron Perlman Clayface, Orion. Diane Pershing Poison Ivy. Robert Picardo Blackhawk, Amazo. Jan Rabson Professor Erlich. James Remar Manhunter. John Rhys Davies Hades. Kevin Michael Richardson General Wells, Imperium. Victor Rivers Hro Talak. Eric Roberts Mongul. Mark Rolston Firefly. Stephen Root Cat Man. Scott Rummell Aquaman. Mitchell Ryan Highfather. Pepe Serna Shifflet. W. Morgan Sheppard Merlin. Tom Sizemore Metamorpho. William Smith Draaga. Arleen Sorkin Harley Quinn. David Ogden Stiers Solovar. Tara Strong Sera, Queen. Susan Sullivan Hippolyta. Dave Thomas Harv Hickman, Ernst. Lauren Tom Chung. Hynden Walch Ace. Tracey Walter Mophir. Michael T. Weiss Etrigan the DemonJason Blood. Maggie Wheeler Antiope. Michael Jai White Doomsday. Jose Yenque Copperhead 2nd VoiceKeone Young Dr. Chin. Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. Alfred Pennyworth. Rob Zombie Icthultu. Home releaseseditSeason releases. DVDBD name. Release date. Ep Additional information. Season One. March 2. Contains a set of 4 DVDs with all of the episodes from the first season as well as audio commentaries, interviews, and other special features.