Pokmon, Pokemon, abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters, Poketto Monsut and currently advertised in. Yo kai Watch Wikipedia. Yo kai Watch. Promotional flyer for Yo kai Watch featuring Nate Adams Keita Amano, Whisper, Jibanyan, Komasan, Komajiro, Manjimutt, Kyubi, Hungramps, Happierre, Dismeralda, Venoct, Wiglin Wakume Kun, and other notable Yo kai. Ykai WotchiGenre. Action, Comedy, Supernatural. Biography Cartoons Watch The Spongebob Squarepants Cartoon here. Manga. Written by. Noriyuki Konishi. Published by. Shogakukan. English publisher. GcqBILaxk/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch The Full Pokemon The Cartoon 20: I Choose You! The Cartoon' title='Watch The Full Pokemon The Cartoon 20: I Choose You! The Cartoon' />Yokai Watch, trademarked in Japan as Youkai Watch and Yokai Watch, is a series of roleplaying video games and a mixedmedia franchise, created and developed by Level5. Luke Plunkett. Luke Plunkett is a Contributing Editor based in Canberra, Australia. He has written a book on cosplay, designed a game about airplanes, and also runs. Apollo Justice Ace Attorney is coming to the 3DS eShop this November for 19. Originally released for the original DS in 2008, the 3DS game features updated 3D. Here you can watch online all cartoons you like, disney cartoons, nickelodeon cartoons, cartoon network cartoons and other cartoons you may like. Demographic. Shnen. Magazine. Coro. Coro Comic. Original run. January 2. Volumes. 12. Anime television series. Directed by. Shinji Ushiro. Produced by. Yoshikazu Kuretani TV Tokyo, Kiyofumi Kajiwara. Written by. Yoichi KatMusic by. Kenichir SaigStudio. OLM, Dentsu. Licensed by. Medialink Animation International Ltd. Original network. TXN TV Tokyo, BS Japan, AT X, Kids Station. English network. Toonami, Cartoon Network, Okto. Original run. January 8, 2. Episodes. 18. 8 List of episodesManga. Yo kai Watch Exciting Nyanderful Days. Written by. Chikako Mori. Published by. Shogakukan. English publisher. Demographic. Shjo. Magazine. Ciao2. Pucchigumi2. Original run. February 2. Volumes. 3Manga. 4 Panel Yo kai Watch Geragera Manga Theater. Written by. Coconas Rumba. Published by. Shogakukan. Demographic. Shnen. Magazine. Coro. Coro Comic SPECIALOriginal run. October 2. 01. 4 present. Volumes. 1Manga. Yo kai Watch 4 Panel Pun Club. Written by. Santa Harukaze. Published by. Shogakukan. Demographic. Shnen. Magazine. Coro. Coro Ichiban Original run. April 2. Volumes. Manga. Komasan A Time for Fireworks and MiraclesWritten by. Sh Shibamoto. Published by. Shogakukan. Demographic. Shnen, Seinen. Magazine. Hi. Ba. Na. Original run. April 1. 0, 2. 01. September 1. 0, 2. Volumes. 1Manga. Yo kai Watch Busters. Written by. Atsushi Ohba. Published by. Shogakukan. Demographic. Shnen. Magazine. Coro. Coro Comic. Original run. June 2. October 2. 01. 5Volumes. Video games. Yo kai Watch 2. Yo kai Watch 2 2. Yo kai Watch Busters 2. Yo kai Watch Dance Just Dance Special Version 2. Yo kai Sangokushi 2. Yo kai Watch 3 2. Yo kai Watch Busters 2 2. Anime films. Anime and Manga portal. Yo kai Watcha, trademarked in Japan as Youkai Watch and Yokai Watch, is a series of role playing video games and a mixed media franchise, created and developed by Level 5. The original game was released for the Nintendo 3. DS in Japan in July 2. Level 5 and was released in November 2. North America and April 2. Europe by Nintendo. A sequel, Yo kai Watch 2, was released in three versions Ganso and Honke, which were released in Japan in July 2. Shinuchi, released on December 1. A spin off game, Yo kai Watch Busters, was released in July 2. A third title, Yo kai Watch 3, was released in July 2. Six manga adaptations have been produced a shnen manga series that began serialization in Shogakukans Coro. Coro Comic from December 2. Shogakukans Ciao magazine from December 2. Coro. Coro Comic SPECIAL and Coro. Coro Ichiban from October 2. April 2. 01. 4 respectively, a shnen and seinen manga series that was serialized in Hi. Ba. Na from April to September 2. Yo kai Watch Busters that was serialized in Coro. Coro Comic from June to October 2. An anime television series produced by OLM, Inc. Japan from January 2. North America from October 2. An animated film was released in December 2. December 2. 01. 5 and a third film on December 2. A fourth film was announced for release in December 2. One day while searching for insects in the woods near the town of Springdale Sakura New Town in the Japanese version, a boy named Nate Keita comes across a peculiar capsule machine next to a sacred tree. When he opens one of the capsules up, it brings forth the ghostly Yo kai Whisper who gives Nate a special device known as the Yo kai Watch. Using this, Nate is able to identify and see various different Yo kai that are haunting people and causing mischief. Joined by the cat Yo kai Jibanyan, Nate and Whisper start befriending all sorts of Yo kai which Nate can summon to battle against more ill intentioned Yo kai that happen to live in his town, causing terrible trouble. He also goes on adventures around the town with his Yo kai partners to help his human friends Bear Kuma, Eddie Kanchi, and Katie Fumi chan also the choice for the female player character in the video games deal with their various problems often caused by other Yo kai. Later on, a new girl named Inaho moves into town, being in a different homeroom class from Nate. She receives her own Yo kai Watch and meets the space Yo kai USApyon, who wants her help in restoring the happiness of a scientist he accidentally upset. They then open up a detective agency to investigate many Yo kai crimes plaguing the city. In the video game Yo kai Watch 3, Nate, Inaho and their befriended Yo kai team up with Mac to stop a common threat. GameplayeditYo kai Watch is a role playing video game where the player searches around Springdale for Yo kai using the 2. DS3. DSs touchscreen. Players befriend Yo kai by giving them a food that they like before, beginning, andor during battle, and after defeating the Yo kai it approaches the player character and gives them its Yo kai Medal, allowing it to be summoned at will. Yo kai can also be acquired through an in game Crank a kai by collecting in game coins or using Play Coins. Certain Yo kai are necessary for completing the games main quest, and special rare Yo kai are acquired through various subquests. Yo kai have the capability to evolve into more powerful versions of themselves if they reach a certain level, or they can evolve by combining with particular items or other Yo kai. The Yo kai are divided amongst eight different tribes, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. There are also Legend Yo kai that can only be obtained by collecting a particular set of Yo kai listed in the Yo kai Medallium, a compendium of the different Yo kai the player has encountered or befriended, as well as Boss Yo kai that cannot be befriended in the original game, but can become the players friends in Ganso and Honke. When the player encounters a Yo kai, they enter into battle with it using six Yo kai that the player has befriended previously. The touchscreen is used during battles to rotate amongst the players Yo kai in battle at will. It is also used either to clear up status effects on the players Yo kai or to charge up the Yo kais special abilities. A common in game event is Oni Time Terror Time, where the player character enters a nightmare realm where they look for treasure chests with special items in them all while trying to avoid being seen by other Yo kai. If spotted, the player is chased by the powerful Oni Yo kai Gargaros Red Oni in the Japanese version, who can easily wipe out the players party unless they can escape. It is possible to defeat Gargaros, but only if the players Yo kai are particularly powerful. The player can also encounter similarly powerful Namahage Yo kai if the player crosses the street on a red light, but the encounter may be beneficial if the player follows the rules. Players can also participate in several side quests for experience and bug catching and fishing mini games to obtain special items. Yo kai Watch 2 expands the areas to be explored with nearly 1. Yo kai in the present day of the Kemamoto region and the past, where he meets traditional Yo kai and the predecessor to the Yo kai Watch. Video gameseditThe Yo kai Watch video game was announced by Level 5 at the 2. Tokyo Game Show. It was released in Japan for the Nintendo 3. DS on July 1. 1, 2. As of February 2. In January 2. 01. Level 5 filed for a trademark in the United States for Yo kai Watch1. Nintendo e. Shop on November 6, 2. Nintendo announced that they would be publishing the game in North America for a Holiday 2. The Data Carddass game Yo kai Watch Tomodachi Uki. Ukipedia was first location tested in late December 2. Next Generation World Hobby Fair Winter 2.