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Join IMDb Pro for more detailsBBQ, Garden Party, Picnic images on Pinterest. I only remember one practical writing lesson from my three years as an English major Whenever you can, put the best bits at the end of the sentence. Put the next. Fan. Fiction. Author has written 3. Kung Fu Panda, Mighty Ducks, X overs, Movie X overs, Cartoon X overs, Wander over Yonder, Monsters Inc., Nut Job, Zootopia, and Rise of the Guardians. Hi im Emmy. Disney. Emmy. i love everything that has to do with cartoons and i hope that the stories i create will intrest you. Please read my stories. I am also Autistic but i prefer Artistic. What i look like is this I am 1. I offically now were dark purple glasses that are rectangle with rounded edges. I wear a light brown fishing hat, a purple shirt with blue pants and black to white shoes. Since i come from a very long line of powerful witches and wizards, yet i have no idea who my parants are. Due to something that happened in the past that i cant really remember. Boyfriend Brooklyn the gargoyle GargoylesAllies The MCF, my friends, family and more. Enemies All Evil do ers and Villains. Personality Creative, Hyper, A mix of Mature and immature, silly, childish, wild, somewhat clumsy, dreamer, very tomboyish, enviromentalist, animal lover, Joker, Nice, adventure lover and very baby crazy. Fears Spiders Even the daddy long legs YUCK and Bees and WaspsAnd i hate wasps Likes Having my stories reviewed, all kinds of american sweets and candy, adventures, soft vore stories, old fastion romance, classic musicals, all kinds of music, all pure hearted cartoons, adorable babies I cant get enought of them, cute things, magic, my friends and my boyfriends, Ghost investagations and ghost stories. Dislikes Not having new reviews, not so popular stories ive made, the dirty kind of romance, no one liking me, cursingbad words of all kinds, being made fun of, being lost and alone i scare easily, the dark Sometimes, the feeling of being dumped and abandoned, rescues that kill heroes permenetly. Plantara Shes my first OC ever in history Shes an 1. Earth where she was raised in jail See my story Mega. Jess for the villainess and grew up as a villainess. Plantara got her name when she quickly developed the power to control plants of all kinds at will. With the power of the plants at her command, Plantara longs to cover the entire world in plants like one big jungle. See Subuku no Jesss file to read more about herBeverly the Gargoyle, Emmy and Brooklyns daughter. Description As a human she looks like her mother with her hair Only shorter and unkept, like bed hair and everything but as a gargoyle she has her fathers red skin. Clothing As a Human a purple T shirt, a yellow skirt, light violet shoes. As a Gargoyle two peice pink loincloth around her chest and her waist. Personality Friendly, laid back, heroic, sweet. Shanwn the Gargoyle, Emmy and Brooklyns Son. Description As a human he looks likes a male counter part of his mother but he has his fathers eyes and his wild mane of white hair But to the shoulders lenth and curly ends but as purple skin as a gargoyle. Clothing As a Human a dark purple shirt, indigo pants and blue shoes As a Gargoyle green loincloth around his waist with blue goggles on his head. Personality Hardcore, dare devil, clever, fearless, caring, heroic kind. Jack Jack is a half human half lizard creature who is known on Predator Island as a Master Theif and a pro conman. Dispite his duty as a theif he is still caring and friendly, making him the perfect father and brother care giver to Sam, who he offen calls his Little Butterfly and who he cares very deeply about. Description Spikey Orange hair, Yellow scaley skin, light blue eyes, a dark orange underbelly. Pda Formats Ferdinand Review Film here. Clothing a red vest, green cameo pants red boots. Altinate clothing blue tank top and blue shorts with orange shoes. Personality Crafty, Cunning, trouble making, friendly, a mix of father and brother towards Sam. History While his mother, Alina, was having him she thought she was having a girl and so did her friend Who Jack had inherited blue eyes from but when Jack was hatched Alina, angry about having a boy since she expected a girl, went mad and was put in solitary confinment for her madness while Jack grew up an orphan. Dispite the past he had he was happy with his friends and eventually met Maverick and became friends with him. After a while he also met and adopted Sam after devoring her bossy uncle. He now lives on Predator Island with other Predators along with his expanded family. Sam Sam, known as Sammy or Jacks little Butterfly, is a smart and sweet little girl who is one of the only none predators who live on Predator Island with her adopted father and brother Jack the lizard. Dispite the job her brotherfather has she sometimes uses it to her or others advantiges when in need or just for fun. She also loves to be in Jacks tummy where he would protect her and keep her safe from the dangers of the world, at least thats what she thinks about it. Description long orange hair, green eyes Think of Sam from Totally spies but in a younger form, okClothing Green dress, no shoes. Alternate clothing a light gray jacket, a purple shirt, dark purple pants, white Shoes. Personality Sweet, cute, smart, cunning, kind, tricky, a mix of sister and daughter towards Jack. History After her parents died in a plane crash Sam was forced to live with her only living reletive she had who she didnt like, her uncle. Her uncle imediantly pushed her to the limit with chores and endless ways of trying to turn her into a proper child but just as her uncles back was turned on that very same day she ran away, never wanting to see him again. Also on that very same day she met Jack and he devored her uncle so that he could take care of her. Soon she met Maverick and Alex then came to live on Predator island. Mavrick My fav Predator Maverick is a half human half shark vore cop who is tought and strong yet kind and gentle as well. He one grew up with his family but one day he was seperated from his family at a young age yet grew up without another goal but to keep good predators away from the bad. One day he met Jack and became friends with him, he also met Alex who he had bonded and became her foster fatherbrother after devoring her all the members of her mean family she was living with. Living with a theif for a roommate and best friend and a human for a daughter might be a little strange but the land breathing shark still cares very much about them. Description a shark fin on his back, black eyes, sharp teeth, gills, shark head, blue skin. Clothing black biker jacket, navy blue jeans. Alternate clothing white shirt, blue pants with faded pink and brown stains. Personality cool, tough, kind, gentle, clever, fast, fearless, father and brother to Alex. History Growing up with his family Maverick had no cares in the world, but then one day he was taken away but rescued by a human. Ever since he devoted his very life to protecting predators from those who would bring them ill wills and nothing but danger and trouble. One day he met Jack the lizard and liked how he devored a bully so he asked the lizard to come with him and he agreed. Then he met Alex and devored her mean family in order to keep her his. Now all live on Predator island as happy as can be. Alex Alex is Mavericks adopted child and sister who is known to Maverick as his Little Mermaid and one of the none predators who live on predator island. She is an animal lover and a cheery little girl who loves bonding with her fatherbrother, even staying inside his stomach for a while or so. Ever since the shark came into her life Alex wants nothing more then to stay with him, dispite the offers of a normal or sucessful life some give her. Description Tan skin, black hair, brown eyes. Clothing yellow dress, no shoes.