This interactive movie follows three siblings the North family on a quest to rescue their Uncle in the Himalayan region of Nepal. Your choices determine what happen. Based on your feedback we are improving the member login section of this website. We cant wait to show you the new and improved member area, coming soon. Ariel Disney Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. Ariel is a featured article, which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Ariel. Other names. Princess Ariel. Sweetie by ScuttleYoung lady. Honey. Angelfish by UrsulaRed by The Catfish Club BandPersonality. Images and sounds of the characters Peter Cullen has played in voice over roles in cartoons, TV, movies, video games and more. Watch Choose Your Own Adventure - The Abominable Snowman ' title='Watch Choose Your Own Adventure - The Abominable Snowman ' />Free spirited, naive, confident, curious, kind, adventurous, bright, artistic, idealistic, rebellious, intrigued, headstrong, compassionate, mischievous, charismatic, witty, bubbly, romantic, impulsive, perceptive, sensitive, selfless, feisty, protective, loyal, pacifist, fun loving, childlike, polite, perky, determined, heroic. Appearance. Slender, fair skin, red lips, long red hair, aqua blue eyes, lavender seashell bra, sea green fish like tail. Occupation. As a mermaid Princess of Atlantica, 7th in line for being Queen of Atlantica. As a human Queen consort of her and her husbands kingdom. Goal. To restore music and happiness to the Kingdom of Atlantica succeededTo get Eric to kiss her by the third sunset, in order to become human partly failed but still became human in the endTo become human and live a different life on land with Eric succeededTo protect her daughter Melody from Morgana succeededPets. Allies. Sebastian, Flounder, Scuttle, Sandy, Max, Urchin, Gabriella, Grimsby, Carlotta, Chef Louis, Manta, Little Evil, the Catfish Club Band, Lucky, Tip and Dash, Benjamin. Enemies. Ursula, Flotsam and Jetsam, Glut, Morgana, Marina Del Rey, Undertow, Cloak and Dagger, Lobster Mobster and Da Shrimp, Moray, Manta formerly, Little Evil formerlyLikes. Humans, human objects, adventure, freedom, music, singing, dancing, Prince Eric, chasing her dreams, having fun with Flounder, her family. Dislikes. Her fathers stubbornness and hatred of humans, being without music or fun, rules, chores, pirates, evil, violence, Sebastians nagging, her friends and family in danger, Melodys disobedience, being separated from Eric. Powers and abilities. Speed swimming. Underwater breathing. Hypnotic voice. Atlantean strength. Atlantean endurance. Aquapathy. Thermoendurance. Paraphernalia. Pink shoulder bag. Fate. Becomes a human, marries Prince Eric, and gives birth to a daughter. QuoteI dont see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad. I was a regular fish out of water. A girl rescued me. She was singing. She had the most beautiful voice. Prince Eric talking about Ariel. Princess Ariel is the protagonist of Disneys classic 1. The Little Mermaid. She is the seventh and youngest daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena, rulers of the undersea kingdom of Atlantica. She lived through much of her young life with a longstanding, yet forbidden, admiration of the human world, and longed to someday experience life on the surface with humans. Ariel is also the wife of Prince Eric and the mother of Melody. Ariel is slightly based on the nameless protagonist of Hans Christian Andersens Danish fairy tale The Little Mermaid yet she does not have a melancholy ending as in Andersens tale. Ariel is the fourth official member of the Disney Princess line up. Background. Official Description. Ariel is an independent, headstrong and determined young mermaid. She is the youngest and prettiest princess of the sea but spends most of her time outside the palace walls of Atlantica singing, daydreaming, and adventuring with her best friend Flounder the guppy fish, and sometimes Sebastian the crab who is also the royal advisor to Ariels father. At the age of 1. 6, she unexpectedly becomes deeply infatuated with a young and handsome human prince named Eric and sacrifices all things dear to her for the chance of being with her one true love. Hd Quality Quackerz Watch there. Development. Design. Walt Disney himself and artist Kay Nielsen began work on the story of The Little Mermaid in the 1. The feature was to be a very faithful adaption to Hans Christian Andersens tale with the Mermaid dying and turning into sea foam in the end. However, after writing the script and illustrating the storyboard the project was shelved to focus on other projects also in the works such as Dumbo, Bambi and Fantasia. There have been alternate statements, however, that indicated that Disney may have intended to go for the happy ending route. In the mid 1. 98. Disney decided to disregard the dark and grimy aspects of Andersens story and make the film a more child friendly version with a much happier ending which worked better for the companys brand. During development, the studio officially gave their Little Mermaid the aquatic like name of Ariel. The development team, however, indicated that the changes given for the film coincidentally matched up with the changes Walt Disney made during his attempted take on the film. Ariels original design was developed by animator Glen Keane, who had reportedly said in an animation lecture that she was based on his own wife. Her appearance was also based on model Sherri Stoner, who provided live action references for the animators during the development of the film and also inspired the look for Belle. A challenge in animating her for the film was the color required to show her in the changing environments, both under the sea and on land, for which the animators required 3. The sea green color of her fin was a hue specially mixed by the Disney paint lab the color was named Ariel after the character. She has been compared to past Disney Heroines, but is more physically similar to Alice from Alice in Wonderland, and Belle from Beauty and the Beast, as they all have big eyes, a broad forehead and a small mouth and chin. Voice. Jodi Benson, who was predominantly a stage actress when she was cast, was chosen to voice Ariel because the directors felt it was really important to have the same person doing the singing and speaking voice. Co director Ron Clements remarked that her voice had sweetness and youthfulness that was unique. When recording the vocals for Ariels theme song Part of Your World, she consented to Howard Ashmans suggestion that the lights in the studio be dimmed, so as to feel a little bit more enclosed and create the feeling of being deep under the sea. She was also encouraged to soften her singing voice almost to the point of speaking so that the song would feel more intimate. Voice actress Melissa Fahn auditioned for the role and was called back many times, but was turned down because she sounded a little too young. Personality. Ariel is a bright, spirited and headstrong mermaid with a strong passion for adventure and exploration. Her tendency to explore the more mysterious depths of the ocean or more importantly, the world beyond the ocean can lead to an array of problems to both herself, her friends, and in the confines of her personal lifeas seen through her constant confrontations with her protective father, King Triton. Nevertheless, Ariels selflessness, compassion, and intuitive way of thinking often resolve such problems, as she always takes full responsibility for her actions. At the start of the original film, Ariel is shown to have a burning obsession with the human world, and a desire to learn more about their culture. Unlike her father, she views humans as aspiring creatures, astonished by their ability to constantly create, and heavily goes against the idea of them being barbaric and selfish as a result of this. This passion is revealed to have been prominent throughout Ariels life years before the events of the film, as seen in the television series. By the point of the film, as shown through her lament, Part of Your World, Ariels obsession with the human world has reached unimaginable heights, as she spends most of her time focusing on finding, observing, and collecting various human objects that have sunk into the sea.