Koto No Ha No Niwa Cartoon Out

Koto No Ha No Niwa Cartoon Out

List of jy kanji Wikipedia. The jy kanji system of representing written Japanese consists of 2,1. List of characterseditFor brevity, only one English translation is given per kanji. The Grade column specifies the grade in which the kanji is taught in Elementary schools in Japan. Grade S means that it is taught in secondary school. The list is sorted by Japanese reading onyomi then kunyomi, in accordance with the ordering in the official Jy table. This list does not include characters that were present in older versions of the list but have since been removed, ,. Hyphens in the kunyomi readings separate kanji from their okurigana. The Old column reflects the official kyjitai specified in the standard jy table 1 it does not include unofficial, extended, or Asahi characters. The New column attempts to reflect the official glyph shapes as closely as possible. Koto No Ha No Niwa Cartoon OutletKoto No Ha No Niwa Cartoon OutsideDirected by Isao Takahata. With Tsutomu Tatsumi, Ayano Shiraishi, Akemi Yamaguchi, Yoshiko Shinohara. A young boy and his little sister struggle to survive in Japan. This requires using the characters, which are outside of Japans basic character set, JIS X 0. In practice, these characters are usually replaced by the characters, which are present in JIS X 0. The readings presented here are those noted in the official Jy table. Special readings and uncommon readings are indicated in brackets. Other readings generally less common, such as the nanori may also exist. New. Old. Radical. Strokes. Grade. Year added. English meaning. Readings. Ssub a. 29. Spathetic ai, awa re, awa remu. S2. 01. 0push openai. S2. 01. 0not clearai. Sgrip aku, nigi ru. Shandle atsuka u. S2. 01. 0allocate a teru. S2. 01. 0stormarashi. Srelianti, e2. Sintimidatei. Sdoi. 249. S2. Smilitary officeri. S2. 01. 0wither i, na eru. Sadmirable i, era i. S2. 01. 0chairi. S2. Sdiffer i, chiga u, chiga eru. Sfiberi. 361. 5Sconsolation i, nagusa meru, nagusa mu. Shorizontali. 391. Sone Falsification preventionichi. Sdeviateitsu. 44 59. S2. 01. 0thorn6ibara4. Spotatoimo. 464. S2. Smatrimonyin. 511. S2. 01. 0lewdness in, mida ra. Sshade in, kage, kage ru. Sconceal in, kaku su, kaku reru. Srhymein. 585. S2. S2. 01. 0gloomutsu. Sfurrowune. 651. Sbayura. Englandei. 719. Srecitation ei, yo mu. Sshadowei, kage. Spointed ei, surudo i. Sepidemiceki, yaku8. Secstasyetsu. 841. Scross over etsu, ko su, ko eru. Hi-Def The Dark Stranger Cartoon. Saudienceetsu. 861. Sreviewetsu. 874. Sinflammationen, honoo. S2. 01. 0grudgeen, on. Sbanqueten. 931. S2. Saiden. 951. 32gardenen, sono. Ssmoke en, kemu ru, kemuri, kemu i. S1. 98. 1monkeyen, saru. Sleaden, namari. Saffinityen, fuchi. S2. 01. 0glossyen, tsuya. Sdirty o, kega su, kega reru, kega rawashii, yogo su, yogo reru, kitana i. S1. 98. 1concave1. Spush, o su, o saeru. S2. 01. 0flourishing1. SEurope1. 138. Sassault, nagu ru. Svenerable old man1. Sheart, oku. S2. 01. Srecollectionoku. S2. 01. 0timidityoku. Suneasinessosore. Sthe latterotsu. S2. I, weore. Swholesale oro su, oroshi. Scalm on, oda yaka. Sexcellentka. 14. S2. 01. 0tormentka. Srack ka, ka keru, ka karu. Ssplendorka, ke, hana. Sconfectioneryka. S1. 98. 1whirlpoolka, uzu. Smarry into ka, yome, totsu gu. Sspare timeka, hima. Scalamityka. 15. S1. Swidowka. 15. 91. Scounters for thingska. S1. 98. 1earnings ka, kase gu. Smosquitoka. 16. S2. S2. 01. 0tilega, kawara. Sgraciousga. 17. Sstarvega. Sjammed inkai. 17. Scommandment kai, imashi meru. Ssuspicious kai, aya shii, aya shimu. S1. 98. 1kidnapkai. Srepent kai, ku iru, ku yamu, kuya shii. Sallkai, mina. Sclodkai, katamari. S2. 01. 0square character stylekai. S2. 01. 0crush kai, tsubu su, tsubu reru. Sdemolition kai, kowa su, kowa reru. Spocket kai, futokoro, natsu kashii, natsu kashimu, natsu ku, natsu keru. S2. 01. 0harmonykai. Scensuregai. 19. S2. S1. 98. 1horizongai. Sruegai. 20. 41. S2. Sabove statedgai. Soutlinegai. 20. S2. S1. 98. 1hedgekaki. S2. 01. 0persimmonkaki. Snucleuskaku. 21. S1. 98. 1huskkaku, kara. Senclosurekaku. Scontrastkaku. Sisolate kaku, heda teru, heda taru. Sseize kaku, e ru. Smenacingkaku. 22. Sharvestkaku. 22. Spointgaku, take. S2. 01. 0jawgaku, ago. Shang ka keru, ka karu, kakari. S1. 98. 1lagoonkata. Sfastenkatsu. 23. S1. 98. 1hoarsekatsu. Sthirst katsu, kawa ku. S2. 01. 0arrowrootkatsu, kuzu. Sslippery katsu, kotsu, sube ru, name raka. S1. 98. 1brownkatsu. Scontrolkatsu. 24. Smoreover ka tsu. S2. 01. 0kettlekama. S2. 01. 0sicklekama. Sreap ka ru. 24. Ssweet kan, ama i, ama eru, ama yakasu. Ssweatkan, ase. S1. Sliverkan, kimo. Scrownkan, kanmuri. Scollapse kan, ochii ru, otoshii reru. Sdry kan, kawa ku, kawa kasu. Sintuitionkan. 26. Safflicted kan, wazura u. Spierce kan, tsuranu ku. Syellkan. 26. 51. Swithstand kan, ta eru. Sinterchange kan, ka eru, ka waru. Sdaringkan. 26. Scoffinkan. Sgoodwillkan. 27. Sleisurekan. 27. Spersuade kan, susu meru. Stolerantkan. 27. Chinakan. 27. 71. Sdelightkan. 28. Soverseekan. Sslacken kan, yuru i, yuru yaka, yuru mu, yuru meru. Sremorsekan. 28. Ssend backkan. Sringkan. 28. 71. S2. 01. 0Koreakan. Swarshipkan. 29. Sspecimen kan, kanga miru. Sinclude gan, fuku mu, fuku meru. S2. 01. 0trifle withgan. S1. 98. 1stubborngan. Splan ki, kuwada teru. S2. 01. 0deedki. Sbranch offki. Smourning ki, i mu, i mawashii. Sstrangeki. 31. 1 48. Spray ki, ino ru. Srutki. 31. 5 41. Spreviously ki, sude ni. Shungry ki, u eru. Sghostki, oni. S2. Show manyki, iku. Schess pieceki. 33. Sabandonki. 33. 21. S2. 01. 0destroyki. S2. 01. 0capitalki. Sradiance ki, kagaya ku. Sequestrianki. 33. Sbest regardsgi. Sfalsehood gi, itsuwa ru, nise. Sdeceit gi, azamu ku. Sceremonygi. 34. Sfrolic gi, tawamu reru. Smimicgi. 34. 81. Ssacrificegi. 34. Schrysanthemumkiku. Sgood luckkichi, kitsu. Sconsumekitsu. 35. Spacked kitsu, tsu meru, tsu maru, tsu mu. Sinsteadkyaku. Slegkyaku, kya, ashi. Styrannize gyaku, shiita geru. Sreach out ky, oyo bu, oyo bi, oyo bosu. Shillky, oka. Sdecay ky, ku chiru. S2. 01. 0mortarky, usu. Stwistky3. 751. Shinto shrineky, g, ku, miya. S2. 01. 0smell ky, ka gu. Shard up ky, kiwa meru, kiwa maru. Sgigantickyo. 38. Srepel kyo, koba mu. Sfootholdkyo, ko. Svoidkyo, ko3. Slong distancekyo. Shonorablegyo, go, on. Svillainky3. 956. Sshout ky, sake bu. Slunatic ky, kuru u, kuru oshii. Sreceiveky4. 008. Sconditionky4. Sgorgeky4. S1. 98. 1pinch ky, hasa mu, hasa maru. Scramped ky, sema i, seba meru, seba maru. Sfear ky, oso reru, oso roshii. Srespect ky, uyauya shii. Sthreaten ky, obiya kasu, odo su, odo kasu. S1. 98. 1rectify ky, ta meru. Secho ky, hibi ku. Swonder ky, odoro ku, odoro kasu.

Koto No Ha No Niwa Cartoon Out
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