Mickey Mouse Follies Black and White The Karnival Kid. The Karnival Kid is the 9th short in the Mickey Mouse series and a landmark one at that. In previous films, Mickey had always laughed, cried, and made small noises, but he never actually spoke coherent words however, this cartoon premieres Mickeys speaking voice. The Karnival Kid takes place at a country carnival where Mickey is selling hot dogs to the crowd. Ever wonder why one of Mickeys catchphrases is Hot Dog Its because these were his very first words Mickeys speaking voice has always been the subject of fascination because most people know that Walt Disney himself provided it for many of the mouses early shorts. Lil Friends Jungle Animal Wall Decals, Jungle Stickers, Elephant,Giraffe, Monkey. Jimmy Choo Choo Guru Song Mp3 Download Free download with simple and easy one click mouse and your free mp3. GURI funny cartoon version. Play. Explore Camille Sommers board Choo choo TWO Train Birthday on Pinterest. Thomas the Train party wout the cartoony look. The gravel car was full of. How To Download Choo-Choo-2 The Full Cartoon' title='How To Download Choo-Choo-2 The Full Cartoon' />Whats interesting though is the fact that musical director Carl Stalling, not Walt Disney, was the voice of Mickey in this toon. Fans can immediately note the difference Stallings voice is rougher and deeper than the one Walt used for Mickey. Minnie also appears in the toon as Minnie the Shimmy Dancer, another example of her sometimes overt sexuality in these early films. Later of course Minnie becomes much sweeter and more mouse next door. The Karnival Kid is full of the wackier cartoon style seen previously with Disneys Alice Comedies and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit series. Gags, like the one above where Minnie stretches her leg skin to fish out a coin, were bizarre and extremely cartoony. In later years less and less of this was implemented as the animators went for a more realistic, yet still cartoonish, style. Another such gag was also the inspiration for a merchandising milestone. At one point in the cartoon, Mickey actually takes off his ears and tips his hat to Minnie. Storyman Roy Williams used this gag as inspiration for the extremely popular Mickey Ears that are sold in Disney parks around the world today. There are a few gags I really enjoy in The Karnival Kid. Mickeys hot dogs actually act like real dogs, barking and obeying Mickeys commands. When one runs away after being sold, Mickey teaches it a lesson by dropping its drawers and spanking it. Another clever and complicated gag is this one involving a party blower coming towards the camera. Its a great in your face gag. As simple as it seems in todays cartoon universe, the gag really showed at the time just how talented the Disney Studio animators really were. Watch Ice Age: Collision Course Free on this page. Making a brief appearance at the beginning of the toon is Clarabelle Cow. While still not up to par with Horace Horsecollars emerging personality, Clarabelles added flowered hat does indicate the Disney animators growing interest in her. Its almost relatable to live action stars who guest star and cameo here and there in various movies and television shows before they are finally noticed and given a starring role. Clarabelle still is a cameo star, but soon she too will gain a starring role. Though loaded with gags, The Karnival Kid is not one of Mickeys best shorts. Curiously the cartoon is split into two stories, one involving Mickey selling his hot dogs and one where he serenades Minnie with the help of two annoyingly tone deaf black cats. In any case, The Karnival Kid is an important cartoon for Mickey because it is the one in which he finds his voice. Ben Hollys Little Kingdom Big Star Fun Kids Shows Printables Pinterest.