Winnie the Pooh Character Quotes. The content of this page was created by users. It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff. Winnie the Pooh Oh, stuff and fluff. Animaniacs is an American animated comedy television series created by Tom Ruegger. It is the second animated series produced by Amblin Entertainment in association. Create custom tshirts and personalized shirts at CafePress. Use our easy online designer to add your artwork, photos, or text. Design your own t shirt todayTigger Honey Oh, boy, honey Thats what tiggers like best. Winnie the Pooh I was afraid of that. Tigger gulps down a few handfuls Oh, say. Tigger YyyyyuckTiggers dont like honey Winnie the Pooh But you said you that you liked. Tigger Yeah, that icky, sticky stuff is only fit for heffalumps and woozles. Winnie the Pooh You mean elephants and weasels. Tigger Thats what I said, heffalumps and woozles. Article Author Volume Issue Key words Names appearing in the article Evolution Development of a Local Technical Society. WM Larke CBE 01 1 iron, Wolverhampton. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Winnie the Pooh The only reason for being a bee is to make honey. And the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it. Narrator Winnie the Pooh crawled out of the gorse bush, brushed the prickles from his nose and began to think again. Winnie the Pooh Think, think, think. Narrator And the first person he thought of was. Winnie the Pooh Winnie the Pooh Narrator No. Christopher Robin. Winnie the Pooh Oh. Winnie the Pooh Good morning, Christopher Robin. Christopher Robin Oh, good morning, Winnie the Pooh. Owl, Kanga, Roo Good morning, Pooh bear. Eeyore If it is a good morning, which I doubt. Winnie the Pooh after rolling in mud There, now. Winnie the Pooh Isnt this a clever disguiseChristopher Robin What are you supposed to be Winnie the Pooh looking himself over Im a little, black rain cloud, of course. Christopher Robin giggles Silly old bear. Winnie the Pooh in a sticky voice I must be going now. Goodbye, Rabbit. Rabbit Well, goodbye, if youre sure you wont have any more. Winnie the Pooh turns to leave then stops Isthere any more Rabbit No, there isnt. Winnie the Pooh I thought not. Winnie the Pooh tries to climb out the front door but is stuck Oh, oh, help and bother Im stuck. Rabbit Oh, dear. Oh, gracious. Oh. Well, it all comes from eating too much. Winnie the Pooh It all comes from not having front doors big enough Owl Blast it all. Gopher Good idea Well dynamite. Save time. Owl Eh, whats the charge Gopher The charge Oh, about seven sticks of dynamite. Owl Oh, no, no, no, the cost The charge in money. Gopher Nope, no charge account. I work strictly cash. Owl Obviously, but, I should think. Gopher Well, I cant stand around lollygagging all day. I got a tight schedule. Gopher falls down a hole Aaaaaaaahh. Gopher If you think it over, let me know. You got my card, Im not in the book, you know. Owl Oh. Dash it all, hes gone. Winnie the Pooh After all, hes not in the book, you know. Owl Oh. Kanga Pooh, Roo has a little surprise for you. Roo Flowers. Winnie the Pooh HoneysucklePooh tries to eat flowers Kanga No, Pooh, you dont eat them. You smell them. Winnie the Pooh Oh. Winnie the Pooh Could you ssspare a sssmall sssmackerel Gopher Say, you ought to do sssomething about that ssspeech impediment, sssonny. Christopher Robin Pooh, whats your favorite thing in the whole world Winnie the Pooh My favorite thing is me coming to visit you, and then you ask, How about a small smackeral of honey Christopher Robin I like that, too. But what I like most of all is just doing nothing. Winnie the Pooh How do you do just nothing Christopher Robin Well, when grown ups ask, What are you going to do and you say, Nothing, and then you go and do it. Winnie the Pooh I like that. Lets do it all the time. Christopher Robin You know something, Pooh Im not going to do just nothing anymore. Winnie the Pooh You mean, never againChristopher Robin Well, not so much. Winnie the Pooh I sure like bouncing. Wasnt that fun, Piglet Piglet Y yes, but the best part is when it stops. Narrator Well, in the next chapter, theres a great deal of bouncing. Piglet There is Oh. I I have something I forgot to do today, and I shant be able to do tomorrow, so I spose I have to go back and do it n now. Good bye, Pooh. Winnie the Pooh Good bye, Piglet. Now, is the next chapter all about me Narrator No, its mostly about Tigger. Winnie the Pooh Oh, bother. Narrator But youre in it. Winnie the Pooh Oh, good. What will I be doing Narrator Well, Pooh, youll be sitting in your Thoughtful Spot, thinking as usual. Gopher If I was you, Id think about skedaddlin out of here. Winnie the Pooh Why Gopher Cause its Winds day. Winnie the Pooh Happy Winds day, Piglet. Piglet being blown away Well. Winnie the Pooh Where are you going, PigletPiglet Thats what Im asking myself, where Piglet W Whoops P P P Pooh Winnie the Pooh grabbing Piglets scarf And what do you think you will answer yourself Owl This is just a mild spring zephyr compared to the big wind of 6. Or was it, uh, 7. Oh, well, no matter. Oh, I remember the big blow well. Piglet Ill remember this one, too. Owl It was the year my Aunt Clara went to visit her cousin. Now, her cousin was not only gifted on the glockenspiel, but being a screech owl, also sang soprano in the London Opera. Winnie the Pooh as Piglet shoves a honey pot into his face muffled Thank you, Piglet. Owl You see, her constant praticing so unnerved my aunt that she laid a seagull egg by mistake. Oooooohhhhhh Winnie the Pooh opening his door Hello, out thereOh, I hope nobody answers. Tigger looking at his reflection Oh, hey, hey. Look, look, look. Oh, what a strange looking creature. Mmm, look at those beady little eyes, and that purrposterous chin, and those rickydickorous striped py jamas Winnie the Pooh Looks like another tigger to me. Tigger Oh, no, its not. Im the only tigger. Tigger Watch me scare the stripes off of this imposter. Tigger growls at his reflection he scares himself, and hides under Poohs table Tigger Is Is Is. Is he gone Winnie the Pooh All except the tail. Tigger tucks his tail Winnie the Pooh Hes gone. Tigger Hello, Im Tigger Winnie the Pooh You said that. Tigger Oh. Well, did I say I was hungryWinnie the Pooh I dont think so. Tigger Well, then Ill say it Im hungry. Winnie the Pooh to his reflection Oh, hello. Am I glad to see you. Its more friendly with two. Now, you go that way, and Ill go this way. Winnie the Pooh walks away from mirror, then runs back You didnt see anything, did you Neither did I. Winnie the Pooh to his reflection Is it raining in there Its raining out here, too. Winnie the Pooh Christopher Robin, can you make a one hero party into a two hero partyChristopher Robin Of course we can, silly old bear. Tigger I recoggonize you. Youre the one thats stuffed with fluff. Winnie the Pooh Yeah. And youre sitting on it. Cheap The Star Cartoon. Tigger Yeah. And its comfy, too Piglet Pooh, for a bear of very little brain, you sure are a smart one. Winnie the Pooh Thank you, Piglet. Winnie the Pooh Look, look, Piglet. Theres something in that tree over there. Piglet Is it one of the f f fiercer animals Tigger Halloo Winnie the Pooh Yes. Its a jagular. Piglet W What do jagulars d do, PoohWinnie the Pooh Well, jagulars always call, drops Piglet Winnie the Pooh Halloo And when you look up, they drop on you. Piglet Im looking own P P Pooh. Christopher Robin Youre next, Tigger. Jump Tigger Er, jump Tiggers dont jump, they bounce. Winnie the Pooh Then bounce down. Tigger Dont be ridickorous Tiggers only bounce up Christopher Robin You can climb down, Tigger. Tigger Ah, but tiggers cant climb down, uh, uh, because, uh. Rabbit Hooray That settles it. If he wont jump, and he cant climb down, then well just have to leave him up there forever Winnie the Pooh Hum dum de dum, hum dum de dum I am so rumbly in my tumbly.